avşar gürpınar

2023  when pigs fly

2022 a travelling exhibition

2021 the propaganda wheel
an institute within an institute

2020 it was your toy that was broken
2019dreamscapes: hypercritical dissections in space
an empty room creates its own function

plasticity v2 .  critical design studio

a travelling exhibition

Loughborough University, Martin Hall Gallery
Loughborough, UK
January 18th - February 11th, 2022.
Jan 18 2022

It has been an exciting and rather peculiar 2021 for the Ambiguous Standards Institute. Twice postponed due to pandemic, our first transatlantic and solo exhibition has opened at the Art Institute of Chicago on February 11, 2021.
In the second part of the year, several members of our institute had major life changes. The most significant of them was the move of our Cansu Curgen (CEO) and Avsar Gurpinar (Secretary-General) to the UK.They were able to transport the Institue inventory with them and open the first British ASI exhibition in collaboration with Loughborough University School of Design and Creative Arts, LU Arts and Radar.

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