Toyscapes - Oyuncak Peyzajları


defy pre-defined categories in means of
form, material, scale, function, mechanism, color ___________ and
over historical, cultural, social, economic, political,
ideological, technological _______________________ criteria.

Anything could be/is a toy. For that reason, defining toys
and/or writing an historiography of them is an endless
effort if not unnecessary. Playthings contain genuine
information about the peculiarities of humankind.
What we are attempting to do here is to establish an
unbiased and unprejudiced inventory of informal
toys, that is open-ended and open to interaction
and experience, with the information we have
gained from the world of playthings -hopefully
to gain from you, too-.
You can follow the instructions (printed
and recorded) to experience
pre-formalized informals or describe
your own.
*This project has been exhibited in Studio-X Istanbul as a part of 3rd Istanbul Design Biennale.

Oyuncak Peyzajları: Enformeli Tariflemek


malzeme, boyut, işlev, mekanizma, renk, miktar, form
------------ üzerinden ve
tarihsel, kültürel, sosyal, ekonomik, politik, ideolojik, teknolojik
-------------- kıstaslarla belli kalıplara girmeyi reddeder.

Her şey bir oyuncaktır/olabilir. Bu nedenle oyuncağı tanımlamak ve onun
tarihini yazmak nafile olmasa da bitimsiz bir çabadır. Oyuncak, dünyanın ve
insanın tuhaflıklarına dair eşsiz bilgiler içerir.
Yapmak istediğimiz, oyuncak dünyasından alacağımız –ve sizin bize vereceğinizi
umduğumuz- ön yargısız ve ön kabülsüz bir sondaj ile elimize geçecek örnekler
ile olabildiğince açık uçlu, deneyimlenebilir, etkileşilebilir bir oyuncak
envanteri oluşturmak.Video ve açıklamaları takip ederek önceden tariflenmiş enformelleri deneyebileceğiniz gibi boş sayfalarda kendi
enformelinizi tarifleyebilirsiniz.
Proje III. Istanbul Tasarım Bienali kapsamında Studio-x Istanbul'da sergilenmiştir.

for more information
III. Istanbul Design Biennial
Design Chronology Turkey - Draft, curated by Pelin Derviş

Started within the scope of the 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial, “Design Chronology Turkey | Draft” focuses on the 200 years of history of design in Turkey under 13 headings: ceramics, communication and advertisement, furniture, graphic, health, housing, industrial buildings, landscape, lighting, music, non-governmental organizations, packaging and toys. The chronology texts prepared by the project team called “Curious Assembly” are no doubt, tentatative drafts; it is best to see them as platforms that are open to contribution and discussion. The assembly sincerely hopes that the contents will be further developed and new ones will join the existing headings that all touch upon various aspects of our everyday lives.


Gürpınar, A., 2014, Toys in a Globalizing City: Contemporary Production Networks and Design Characteristics of Toys in İstanbul, PhD Dissertation, ITU.